Wednesday, December 3, 2008

One Year Ago - Hospital Entrance

(December 3, 2007)
It has been one year now since the roller coaster of Finley's life started to play out. We'll do quite a few posts over the next few weeks to recap our journey that we started with Finley, and the fun that we have with her today. One year ago today I was pregnant at 33 weeks 4 days, and was told to go to the hospital because my kidneys weren't holding up so well, and I was spilling too much protein in my urine, which was affecting me and baby. My OB told me to go the hospital for a steroid shot, because they would be taking Finley out early, and the steroid shots I would have over 2 days prior to delivery would help improve her lungs since she was going to be a preemie. He wanted me in the hospital for those shots as soon as possible so that we could deliver Finley on the morning of Dec. 5th, the sooner the better for my body, and for the health of Finley. I remember Mike coming home from work early, and the 3 of us headed to the hospital thinking I was just going in for a shot and would be heading home that night. My OB didn't say anything about staying the night, and it didn't even cross my mind during the frazzled thoughts I had of being told I'd be having a preemie within a few days. We got to the hospital, they took me back and started hooking me up to monitors and gave me the first of a series of two steroid shots that I'd be getting 24 hours apart, and Bryson and Mike walked around the hospital waiting for me to finish up. I asked the nurse when they thought I might be done as I started to wonder since it seemed to be no rush to get things done in any hurry. The nurse called my OB, and what do you know? I was staying for good until this precious little one would be born. Mike and Bryson headed home while I got checked into my new room for the next few days. Mike dropped Bryson off at home with Papa and packed a bag for me and headed back to the hospital to drop it off. He headed back and spent the night at home with Bryson that night, and we waited to see what the next day would bring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While this day was the beginning of a slightly uncertain time, everything has turned out great. You all were so strong, and Finley is so beautiful.

Love you guys.