Thursday, December 20, 2007


No, not that Pooh. I'm talking baby poo, which itself is really harmless. Sure it stinks and isn’t pleasant to look at, but most of the time it’s just found in a diaper in a steady state. If you’re one of the lucky parents to see it actually emerging from the bottom of your son/daughter it looks like soft serve ice cream. (Chocolate, not the vanilla). Nice and slow. OK, so just slow. Today, I took off Finley’s diaper to see a small spattering of the soft serve. The thought of, “Hey, that’s not very much. I wonder if some more might OH MY GOSH!” Before I could finish my original thought, the poo came flying. This is not an exaggeration…it flew 4 feet from the source onto everything. That would be the nearby comforter on our bed, the sheets, the carpet below, my arm, and the once-sanitary wipes. Thankfully the dogs that are our shadow the entire day and won’t leave our feet decided to find something better to do. It was one of those life events that when it happens, you just are in shock. "Now what?" As Bryson says, “Clean up!” Thankfully she was done. Just as I was done with the decontamination, Lindsay called, “Hey. What are you doing?” “You’ll never believe this…” I said.

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