....and our life as 4 under the same roof begins. We were told earlier this morning that we'd be able to take Finley home with us, and it was exactly what we wanted to hear. We were ready to get away from the hospital and to stop driving back and forth day after day. We are so glad to be home together, and are excited about our new adventures. Before we left, they had checked her bilirubin level (for the jaundice) and it was still up a bit, but not dangerously, and it had come down a bit from the previous day. They felt it was safe for her to go home. We were given lots of discharge instructions and some preemie education upon leaving the hospital. It will be a little while before Finley is able to venture out much or have many visitors. They want to keep her at a minimal risk for infection since her immune system could be more sensitive with being a preemie. We went by the pediatrician's office on the way home to get a baseline weight on her on their scale, and are to go back on Monday for another weight check and also a check of her bilirubin level to see if the jaundice has decreased any more.

Here is Miss Finley all dressed and buckled up in her car seat ready to get the heck out of there!

Bryson met his sister for the first time today, and you could tell he was very excited to meet the little baby named Finley that we have told him so much about, but you could also tell that he was a little unsure of things when she was in the car going home with us. Since we got home he has been a little bit smitten over her. He has tried to give her her pacifier back, and tried to assist Mommy with holding a bottle for Finley too. There has also been a few times that she has made noises and he tells her "it's okay baby". I think they'll get along for now, but check back on that one in a few days and we'll see where we're at. :)

We are so happy to have our little girl home, and will keep giving updates as the days go by at home.
Yeah! That's excellent news! She is such a beautiful little girl. Glad to see all of you happy and healthy, and it's so nice to see Bryson finally getting to meet her! Enjoy your first days home, and let me know if you need anything at all.
Praise the Lord! I am so happy for your precious family! Finley is a beauty! Bryson will be an awesome big brother...he is such a sweetie! I've enjoyed reading all the updates.
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