Finley's second day began right where the first Bay 1 of the NICU. Lindsay was still trying to recover and get rid of that magnesium sulfate, IV, and other assorted tubes before she could go see Finley for the first time. Mike made a trip in the morning to check up on her.
She was doing really well, but they had to add more oxygen to the mix. She was up to 2L/min and at 27% oxygen. The nurse said she was doing really well. One thing that was difficult to see was her IV was moved from her foot to her head.

Mike went back to the recovery room to see Lindsay slowly getting her tubes pulled off one at a time. Finally she was tether free and her #1 goal was getting to see Finley. Lindsay had a hard time seeing it all for the first time. Its a lot to take in. Mike got to see one thing added at a time, so by now he was used to it all.
We returned to the NICU later in the evening to see that her oxygen had been increased to 3L/min and 30% oxygen. It's normal for a premature baby to take a few steps back when it comes to breathing because her body isn't used to all the work necessary to breathe on her own. The nurse was hopeful to see the levels of oxygen decrease throughout the day.
Lindsay began pumping breast milk to begin the feeding process. The nurse told us she would be eating about 5mL every three hours.

Bryson and Granna stopped by to say Hi. Bryson has been doing really well and decided that he wanted to stop and share some of Mom's yummy hospital food. Namely the chocolate cake.
We took a trip around 9PM to see what was going on and also to drop off some milk. The nurse showed us that Finley's oxygen was still at 3 L/min, but that her oxygen had been dropped to 26%. Small steps like this is exactly what we are looking for.

Around 1AM we decided to make another trip to see our little girl. The nurse showed us exactly what we wanted to see. Finley was totally off the oxygen! She was breathing the air that everyone breathes. (About 21% oxygen). We were so happy to see that. The nurse also showed us how to calm her down by holding her feet and head instead of stroking her back.

She was sleeping so peacefully so we decided to get a good shot of her hair that everyone in the NICU is talking about.
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