Today was our last day in the hospital. We were excited to return to our home and Bryson, but sad to leave Finley alone. We both shed a few tears on our way out of the NICU, but a really exciting event happened before we left. She shed the feeding tube in exchange for the bottle! She ate 10mL right in front of our face! She did so well and we are so proud of her.
Lindsay just called the NICU to see how our little girl is doing and there is even more progress! Finley has been upped to 20mL of milk and has had the caffeine and anitbiotic removed from her diet. She has also increased her weight from 4lbs 4oz to 4lbs 8oz. Its normal for a baby to lose 10% of their body weight a few days after birth. So she is moving in the right direction. We are really trying to not get our hopes up, but it seems like each time we check on her something positive comes out of it.
YEAH!!! Funny how the little things become such BIG things! Congratulations on her progress.
I love the profile shot. She has the most perfect little nose.
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