Today Mommy went to visit and got to talk to the doctor that is working on Finley's case. She says she is doing great, and Finley was up in weight a few ounces to 4 pounds 9 ounces now. She asked if we would be ready for her tomorrow if she came home. She kind of smiled when she said it, and just asked if we were prepared with preemie clothes and other things we might need for her. I happily told her yes! So...she could possibly be coming home tomorrow, but if not will most likely be home by Friday. We are stocked on clothes thanks to Finley's 2 aunts and grandparents, and Mommy made a short shopping trip today too. The outfit I put her in today in this picture was a preemie, and she still is swallowed up in it a bit. We are going to get our last full nights rest for probably the next few years. But that really doesn't matter, because we are just so in love with our new little bundle :)
What wonderful news! Please keep us posted! She is so adorable!
Yeah!!! She's darling!
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