Today Mommy went to visit Finley by herself and to drop off more milk for the growing little girl. Daddy stayed behind today to play with Bryson, and tomorrow the both of us will get to go visit for a while since Bryson will be at preschool in the morning. We are really looking forward to our visit together again. Today was another great day for little Finley. When I got there, the nurse told me that she had been bottle feeding all night, and then asked me if I'd like to try and nurse her while I was there. I thought it would be a while before this happened, but am so excited that they let us try so soon. She latched on, but kept falling asleep and didn't eat much. They say it is hard to keep preemies awake during feedings since they sleep so much at first from being so small. I know that it's going to be a longer process than it ever was with Bryson, but I am up for the challenge, and I know eventually Finley and I will get the process down together. After we tried nursing, they went ahead and gave her food through the bottle. They said she is still at 30 mL feedings, but that she is unrestricted, so she can eat as much as she wants above that amount.

While I was there, the nurse got the orders from the doctor for the day that she was waiting on, and let me know the good news that Finley would be losing her IV within a few hours and that she also had to no longer be under the photo light therapy for the jaundice. So, 2 huge improvements just in the few hours that I was there. We are so proud of her!! So, now she can be bundled like the rest of the newborns and is slowly losing the wires that connect her to the machines. The last few will be there until she leaves the hospital. They will need to do a 12 hour sleep study to make sure that her monitors do not show any problem areas. They haven't said when this will be, and they still haven't said when they are thinking about sending her home, but my gut feeling tells me that it will be within a week and a half, if not sooner. She is just doing so good. Of course, I will not get my hopes up, but I'm feeling like this will be the case, and I could not be happier. This is how I left her today :)

1 comment:
Yeah! All good news! She'll be home real soon. 2 huge steps in one day, that's great!
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