Monday, August 10, 2009

Potty Training

Over the past few months Finley has been telling me when she pees or poops in her diaper, and one Friday after coming home from school, as I was trying to put on a new diaper she started screaming 'potty!' and fighting me to not put a new diaper on. That was the weekend of July 12th, and we ended up staying home and working on potty training with her. I felt she was giving me a lot of signs to say she was ready, so we've been working on it, and she has got it down at home. She prefers to go naked at home and hardly ever has an accident here. If we are out in public, I can get her to sit on the potty, but she won't go. She'll just ask over and over again to go, and then sit for a few seconds and get off. She is definitely dedicated to her own little potty and her potty seat at home. She just recently started going on the big potty at home with the seat. I have her in pull ups during the day since she can't really go to school in underwear. If I put underwear on her she occasionally starts to go before getting to the potty. Anyway, we've made significant progress, and she has definitely been easier than Bryson was on this issue. It sure is nice to save a *little* money on buying diapers that get changed multiple times per day :) I'm guessing it'll be a long process with her to transition her to being comfortable going on any potty we come across, and to solely wearing her panties. In the meantime, we take the little potty most everywhere we go. So, if you see us on the side of the road going potty in the trunk, just honk! ;)

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