Monday, August 10, 2009

July 4th 2009

This year on July 4th we had plans to walk down to the park with some neighbor friends and watch the fireworks. I got sick with a horrible case of Strep and was trying to stay in the bedroom away from everyone in the house to keep from spreading it. I had a 103 fever with chills a few days in a row, so I wanted nothing to do with the park that day. The fireworks didn't start until 9 p.m. this year, so Mike put Finley to bed around 7:30 at her normal time, and then he and Bryson went with our friends and enjoyed the night.

Bryson walking down the street to meet the neighbors.

Waving hello!

Bryson with his friends, Max on the left (who recently moved :( back to Canada), and Parker on the right.

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