A lot has happened since we last posted. We have been busy keeping up with our 2 and 4 year olds....oh my gosh....how they have grown so much! We enjoyed Thanksgiving and Christmas this year more than ever. I quit my job working from home to stay home with the kids full time as there was a chance that I would be laid off anyway with the company losing a big contract they had with the area hospitals. As it turns out just a few short weeks after me leaving, 75% of the company was laid off. I'm so thankful to be putting my 100% into the kids as I didn't feel that I could give 100% to anything before, I was spread so thin. We have all been happier without me working and having more time to spend together as much of my time was spent working when Mike was home since I couldn't get much done with the kids at home with me. We will be celebrating Mike's birthday this coming week and I have just been catching up on a lot of things around the house. It has been productive and freeing all at the same time. We are really looking forward to the rest of 2010. We will have another cousin on the way that the kids are extremely excited about. My sister is due with their second child on May 3rd, and we can't wait for his arrival!!! Mike's sister will be getting married in October this year, so we have lots of big events this year to look forward to.
I'll blog and be catching up over the next week or so, so hang tight if you want to see what has been going on with us! Much love :)
Yay! Glad you are back. Can't wait to continue reading. Love you guys!
Happy you are back in business. Look forward to more pictures and more posts. What did Bryson get the trophy for? soccer or T-ball? Way to go Bryson!!!!
It's about time!!!!!!
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