Hi there! We definitely got behind on blogging after an extremely busy July and August! I'll try to keep this long blog somewhat brief if I can, but we have had a great summer, and still have a bit more ahead. Since the last time we blogged we celebrated July 4th, and the neighborhood we live in had a fireworks show, so we had some friends over and walked down to the park to watch the fireworks with the kids.

Mike took this photo of the 4 of us when we were outside playing one evening, and it has been a big hit with a lot of people that have seen it. I guess it's a pretty good attempt at us taking a photo of ourselves with the 4 of us all in it at once.

We took the kids to ride the little train that is in Cedar Park and had the whole train to ourselves that day. It was fun!

I had a birthday on July 12, and had a great week of birthday festivities! I went out with some girlfriends for dinner, drinks and dancing, and Mike and I spent the day golfing and went to a nice dinner afterwards. We got together with my family for dinner at Nicholas and Courtney's house, and my in-laws also took us to lunch. It was a great birthday!

I took this picture of Mike on the golf course that I thought was really funny!

The next weekend I had an annual overnight trip with a bunch of my girlfriends and we went to Horseshoe Bay and got a little wild. We had such a great time laying out by the pool during the day and going to a karaoke bar at night. We even spotted Elvis at the pool!

Finley got her 2 bottom teeth in, and also started saying Dada!

We waited and waited for Nicholas and Courtney's little girl to show up, and Eisley Paige Weynand finally made her appearance on July 30th at 6:07 p.m. weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches long. She is absolutely precious!! We are so glad that she is here, and Bryson talks about his cousin all the time now. He loves her!!! Eisley also shares Granna's birthday too! :)

Finley started crawling, although it's very uncoordinated. She has gotten a lot better at it now. Here's a video of her learning.
We took a cute picture of the 3 cousins together by themselves for the first time.

Bryson helped Uncle Nick with some projects around their house.

I was finally able to clip a little bow in Finley's hair after it was long enough. I am loving this!

Daddy went out of town to Houston to see a Texans game with his friend Jason, and while he was gone Bryson and Mommy painted pictures for Daddy while Finley was napping.

We went to Granna's house to put up a microwave and see baby Eisley, and Bryson wanted to hold Eisley and loved it, and then wanted to hold Finley and realized she's quite a bit heavier. He thought that was really funny.

Here's little Eisley looking adorable.

We went to brunch with Mimi and Poppi for Poppi's birthday, and I took this 3 generation photo of the boys looking over the water.

Finley is getting into everything now, and getting herself stuck in all sorts of places!

We went to a summer work party for Mike's work and took the kids to their first Round Rock Express Game. They both came home with t-shirts, and Bryson had a blast. After the game was over, Mike and Bryson ran the bases while Finley and I took pictures. It was a late night for the kids, but we didn't want to miss running the bases. Finley ended up falling asleep in the sling on Mommy.

Bryson playing with his little friend Hudson. Hudson's daddy works with Mike.

Finley tested out a new toy, and had all smiles on when we pushed her around on it!

Finley started pulling up on things and we frequently walk into her room after a nap or in the morning and find her waiting for us like this.

I took this picture, and it looks just like one of my favorites of Bryson when he was little! Bryson (on bottom) was about 6 months in this picture, and Finley (on top) is almost 9 months now when this was taken yesterday. I tried to put them next to each other, but it wouldn't work right!

Finley has gotten an additional 4 upper teeth, so is now at a total of 6 teeth. She kind of looks like a hillbilly because all 4 top teeth are coming in at different paces right now.

One of our friends is a police officer, and Bryson is friends with their little girl Sophie. So we had a playdate today and Officer Gwaldo brought his police cruiser for the kids to check out. Bryson absolutely loved this!! He was all over that car, and also got an APD tattoo to wear. We even had the kids do a little line up next to the car. I told Bryson to look tough for the tattoo picture. It was a great play date!

We leave this Sunday for a trip to Port Aransas with the kids. We are so excited to take them both to the beach and relax, and I'm sure we'll have new updates next week from that adventure so stay tuned. Thanks for being patient for this post. It's long overdue!!
Lindsay, thanks for the post - it was good to get caught up! I can't wait for the cousins to hang out together again. - Nick
This was a great post with lots of fun pictures to look at. Hope you guys are having fun at the beach!
Love - Court
Finally! Where have you been? Nevermind...I see it!! Y'all look so happy and your kiddos are adorable!
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