Miss Finley has put on some weight. I'm not sure how much as we don't go back to the pediatrician for another few weeks, but she has to be close to 11 or 12 pounds somewhere, if not more. She is doing great! She is working on her third chin. Her hair had been getting lighter, more like Bryson's color, but recently has started getting more and more red again. We just don't know where it is headed. She is cooing a lot, and making all sorts of sweet noises. I like to lay down with her, and we talk back and forth for quite a while. She has also found her hands and she will reach out and touch my face as we have our conversations. It is one of my favorite parts of the day right now. She is sleeping really well, working on getting naps in, and sleeps anywhere from 5-6 1/2 hours straight at night. This is heaven to us now. We had forgotten how rough it was to lose so much sleep the first few months after having a baby. I think it seemed worse to us this time since there wasn't much down time with having a 2-year-old as well.

Bryson has been doing really well with Finley. He is including her frequently in our conversations, and asks where she is if she is sleeping in her bed, and wants to go wake her up. He likes to give her kisses, and seems to enjoy the role of being big brother right now.

He had a good day at school on Tuesday, and their class was learning about cowboys. The teacher said he REALLY enjoyed making his cowboy vest and hat. He was so excited to show me when I picked him up, and wanted to wear it home. Below is a picture of Cowboy Bryson.

This past week on Friday the 29th, Leap Day, I got a call from my friend Danae that she was at the hospital 3 weeks ahead of her due date after her water had broken, and would be having a Leap Day baby. Finley has a group of baby friends that consist of all boys, so we have been so excited, waiting for her first girlfriend, Camryn to get here. We went to visit them at the hospital on Saturday this past weekend, and got a picture of Finley and Camryn together, and it literally looks like Finley could eat Camryn she's gotten so chubby :) Camryn weighed in at 5 pounds 13 ounces, 18 inches long, so she's a pound bigger and an inch longer than when Finley was born, so you can see how much Finley has grown in the past 3 months.

Finley turned 3 months old yesterday. I CANNOT believe how fast these past 3 months have flown past us!! We feel so blessed to see how far she has come, and she is starting to become a very easy going little baby. The first few months were a little rough, but I think it had a lot to do with her being a preemie, and I'm so glad to see everything evening out.
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