Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sesame Street LIVE

Today was a big day for Bryson and me. We went to Sesame Street LIVE this morning, and Finley stayed home with Mike. We had gotten tickets from a friend of ours, and it was so much fun! I was worried that Bryson would be scared, but he really, really loved it. He was in awe most of the time. He loves anything trucks, cars, etc. One of the sets had a train on it, and another had a fire truck on it. I think he was in heaven! I had a lot of fun watching his expression, but was really tired when I got home, so I laid down and took a nap with Finley. :)

We finally got rid of Bryson's pacifier this past week. We had been thinking about doing it, but were dreading it really. One of my friends had recently tried a trick with her daughter that worked, and so I thought I'd give it a try. It's actually what my mother-in-law did with Mike when he was younger too, and I figured he wasn't traumatized for life about it, so it was worth trying out. I cut the tip of the pacifier off at nap time last Monday and when he asked for it I told him it was broken, and showed it to him. There was a little crying, and I had to rock him (which I haven't done in forever!) and we talked about it for a while. It broke my heart! I just wanted to pack him up and take him to the store to get a new one, but I knew we couldn't go back. That first day he still took it to bed with him, but at night he was telling us it was broken, and didn't take it. The next day was even better, and now he hasn't asked for it since. I am so glad to be done with that!

Last weekend for Mike's birthday we went bowling, and took Bryson and Finley with us. Bryson had seen bowling on t.v. a while back and thought it was great how the pins got knocked down with the bowling ball, so I thought it might be fun. Mike and I both love bowling, so it was a fun outing for all of us! Finley did good, but didn't want to sit in her carseat, so Mike and I shuffled her back and forth while we helped Bryson and bowled ourselves. It all worked out well though, and I can't wait to take him again!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Mike's birthday. I just didn't want it to get passed up by the video. Daddy made the video in the entry below for us for Valentine's Day. I love it!
So, we love you Mike, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! xoox

Happy Valentine's Day to our big girl

Friday, February 8, 2008

New Look

We decided to move away from the pink background since we are now making this our family blog. So, are still at the right page! :)

Finley went in for her 2-month check up last week on Wednesday. This week on Tuesday was her actual 2-month birthday though. Our pediatrician said she is looking good and right on track. She is currently at 8 pounds 11.5 ounces, and 19 3/4 inches long. She has gained 4 pounds since birth and grown almost 3 inches. That is wild! Poor thing had to get 5 shots and an oral medicine. She was so upset, and while that was happening Bryson was standing on a little foot stool to try and see her on the table, and he fell back and hit his head on the floor. He is always hitting his head! It sure made for a rough doctor's visit. Hopefully the next one won't be so bad. As far as Finley's weight and height they said she wasn't really on the chart for her age, but if we went by her due date she would be in the 50th percentile for weight, and 10th percentile for height. Her little legs are so short, it didn't surprise me much!

Bryson has been watching this little video that shows where trash and recycling goes, and the hosts name is George. Bryson makes Mike and me pretend like we're George all the time. When Mike was out of town he wouldn't talk to him on the phone once, but he would talk to George. It is pretty funny. Anyways, tonight we had to take a picture of Bryson next to George on the t.v. He loved it!!! HA!!